السبت، 25 يناير 2014

About the case of South yemen

  the case of South yemenAbout the case of South yemen

Message identifying the southern cause (for the dissemination and publishing)
and Classification:-The official and publi Introductionc positions and opinions towards

the Southern issue locally and internationally, have shown a deep misunderstanding of its nature. Particularly, there is lack of knowledge in the historical, political and legal foundations that reflect the Justice and legitimacy of this issue and its main objectives, which lie in the disengagement from the Yemeni regime and the restoration of the Southern independent country

That is all to be achieved by conducting a referendum on

self-drmination for the south. Thus, we have decided to write this summary,
in order to establish a foundation stone for our case, which will eventually
lead the observers to make a logical and fair opinion. As southern youths, we
have been concerned with the wrong addressing for our issue, and we believe
that this message though brief can give a key understanding to explore and
identify the merits of the case, not as how the Yemeni regime misrepresent
it. Since we respect our readers and believe in the legitimacy of our case,
we have only highlighted the significant facts and historical events, which
formed the southern issue and produced its implications impartially, without
a prior imposition of personal interpretation and analysis. Based on the
latter mentioned, we have divided our letter into three main sections:
A Brief Historical Background On The Southern Issue
emergence of the southern issue goes back to the 22 May 1990, the date of
declaring the merge unity between the Yemen Arab Republic (North) and
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (South). Substantially, Yemeni unity
has failed, because the Northern regime aborted all the attempts to reform it
or reach a compromise between the two sides. Accordingly, the Sana'a regime totally
eliminated the unity project and replaced it with forced annexation of the
south land and people by force arms, in a devastating (72) days war. This in
turn, ended in the exclusion of the southern partner, and the displacement of
its leadership who signed the unity treaty, and eventually expelled them
outside the county. In addition, they were also referred to trial and were
sentenced to death. Most of them still live overseas up to this moment,
including three former southern presidents. This is in general the substance
of the matter. Because the present is an extension to the past and it is
actually based on it, a brief historical overview has to be given in order to
understand the southern issue thoroughly based on the mentioned facts.
the below points are brief historical background to approach the topic:
1) On 19 January 1839, After encountering a fierce resistance and
asymmetrical warfare with the people of Aden, the British occupied the city,
which was then following the Sultanate of Al-Abdally, one of the sheikhdom
and sultanates of the so-called South Arabia located on the geographic area
stretching from the Sultanate of Oman in the east to the strait of Bab-Al
Mandab and the Red sea in the west, and from the Arab Sea in the south, to
borders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the state of the Shia Zaidi Imams
late known as the Arab Republic of Yemen. That Shia Zaidi state ruled North
Yemen for more than thousand years (late third century AH until the late
fourteenth century AH), during which failed in numerous attempts to takeover
South Arabia
(Map illustrates the territory of South
Arabia and its capital Aden, and Arab Republic of Yemen and its capital
2) The British occupation lasted in South
Arabia (later People's Democratic Republic of Yemen) for one hundred and
twenty-nine years, during which the Southerners continued in their resistance
and uprisings against this occupation. This in turn, culminated in launch of
the revolution on 14 October 1963, which adopted armed struggle against the
British for four years. This finally resulted in the departure of colonialism
and attaining the independence on 30 November 1967. Then, the People's
Republic of South Yemen was declared and led by the National Liberation
Front, which was affected by nationalism and leftist (socialist) ideology in
the fifties and sixties of last century.
3) The
independent state led by the National Liberation Front, eliminated the all
previous sheikhdoms, sultanates, and emirates and also displaced their
leaders. The new republic was then divided into six governorates, Aden, Lahj,
Abyan, Shabwah, Hadramout, and Mahara
(Map of People's
Democratic Republic of Yemen according to that division)
In 1969 the
country adopted the Scientific socialist thought in nationalizing the private
properties ,this conducive to the escaping of national capitals to
neighboring countries. Thus, it was loyal to the eastern bloc and accordingly
the Socialist Party of Yemen was established in October 1978, and the name of
the country changed to the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. One of its
main objectives was to attain the unity with the Arab Republic of Yemen,
which was declared in 26 September 1962, after a military coup against the
Zaidi Imami rule, and became in contrast, a semi-capitalist country, and was
loyal to the western bloc. As a result to the systematic difference between
the two sides, three wars have erupted followed by negotiating sessions,
leading to agreements on achieving the unity between the two countries, which
somehow failed in the beginnings.
4) On 22 May,
1990, the unity was declared between the two ruling systems, represented by
presidents Ali Adullah Saleh of Arab Republic of Yemen, and Ali Salem
Al-Beidh of People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. The declaration set a
transition stage for two years and six months, during which the institutions
of two countries will be integrated, and establishing of the new state, which
was called (Republic of Yemen), will be compld. A referendum on the unity was
not conducted for peoples of the two countries. However, none of the
conventions and signed charters was implemented during or after the
transitional period. This was a historical glance on the south issue, which
we believe is important to understand it clearly.
Second: The
Emergence of the South Issue and Its Stages of Development:
The southern
issue have been through three main stages:
First stage:
The Emergence of
the Issue (22/5/1990- to- 7/7/1994):
The emergence of
the south issue associated and synchronized with the declaration of the unity
between the Arab Republic of Yemen and the People's Democratic Republic of
Yemen on 22 May, 1990, under a new state named the Republic of Yemen. This
unity was born crippled and unable to move or even stand properly, as stated
in evidence below:
I) Once the
declaration of the unit in 1990, it was obvious that the northern regime had
already an implicit intention to take over the south and add it into its
authority particularly, to acquire the vast land (350.000 square kilomr), the
strategic, wide long shores, and its rich natural resources, which was
considered as war booty for the northern regime. This was clearly
demonstrated in their attitude after the unity, and was confirmed in the
testimonies of their leaders which was mentioned in recently published
diaries of Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hussain Al-Ahmer and Sheikh Sinan Abu-Luhoom .
In contrast, the unity was seen by the southerners as a national dream to
build a modern and prosperous Yemen.
2) II) The southern leadership moved to Sana'a, the capital city of the
new state, as per the unity treaty. This leadership also waived the
presidential position to the northern regime, in order to demonstrate a
sincere intention and a willingness to build a modern and stable Yemen.
However, they were surprised by the Yemeni regime reneging the unity
agreements and aborting all the attempts to fulfill them during the
transition period. Not only this, but also tried actively to get rid of the
southern partner by all legal and illegal means. Consequently, the
institutions merge between the two countries failed, except of ostensible
merges in presidency, parliament, and government leaderships. Most of the
institutions remained under their previous leadership, even though following
apparently the cabinet of the unity. The military and security forces
specifically did not witness any kind of merge, and each followed its own
commandership before the unity.
III) Sana’a
regime took practical measures to exclude its partner, for instance by
recruiting the extremist of Afghanistan (Mujahedeen) to assassinate the most
prominent leaders of the south based on ideological and religious
justifications. This resulted in assassinating (152) leaders, during the
transition stage only, without arresting any of the convicts. Due to the
absolute rejection for the unity project from Sana'a leaders, a Political
crisis emerged between the partners only three months after the declaration
of unity. Accordingly, president of south Ali Salem Al-Beidh moved back to
Aden and refused to return to Sana'a unless the northern leadership
accomplishes all the unity agreements, and considers the south with its
national project a real partner in the unity. Nevertheless, all of what was
agreed upon with the mediation committees was reneged by the north before the
ink is dry! It was not until the 1993 elections were held, when all the
southern people voted for their leaders who refused the injustice and
exclusion of the south partner.
IV) Although,
aborting and disabling all the unity agreements by the northern regime, was
enough for the south to declare the disengagement from the unity, and
reinstate to the situation before 1990. On the basis of the greatness of the
unity achievement and the southern leadership desire to maintain it, the
southerners with other progressive forces under Arab and international
auspices, tried to reach a new formula that will help in building a unified
and modern Yemen, instead of returning to the previous situation. A of Pledge
and Accord between northern and southern leaders was signed in Amman, Jordan
on 20 February 1994, but this agreement though ineffective to solve the
problem in its different aspects, it was seen by the Yemeni president and his
political partner (Islamic Reform Party- Al-Eslah), as a threat and a real
coup on their tribal family project to rule Yemen. When they realized that
this agreement might end their regime, they signed it apparently under local
and regional pressure, while they took in advance their decision to take a
military action against the southern progressive national plans. Yemeni
regime announced the war against the south by its president from Al-Sabeen
square (Seventeenth Square) in Sana'a in 27/4/1994. Then, the military
activities started in 5/5/1994, and the theatre of operations was on the
southern land.
Besides the
Yemeni regime, northern tribes participated in the war in addition to more
than 20.000 Yemeni and Arab members of Al Qaeda who returned from
Afghanistan, as stated officially later on. Also, Sana'a regime considered
this as a holy and religious war against the enemies of Allah from infidels,
atheists and communists, as they claimed. So, their scholars issued a fatwa,
permits killing of Southerners, their women and children
Literal of the fatwa:
"We all know that the
socialist party , its oppressors، and its rebels. These، if we count their number، we find that they are very
little and limited and also unless their supporters and agents stood by their
side they couldn't do what they had done in their black history . They openly
declared apostasy, atheism, prostitution and corruption . Those who are head
of sedition , if not their agents and supporters stood by them , they neither
imposed atheism on any one nor declared corruption, nor violated taboos .
They did what they did with things, such as those who are called Muslims to
day, the army that gave his loyalty to this faction. We,here, have to give
clarification and legitimacy judgment on this statement: Scholars agreed that
when fighting, if fighting between Muslims and non-Muslims, if hoarding the
enemies of Islam to a range of Muslims vulnerable women, elderly and
children, but if you do not kill them they will be able to break into the
home and kill more of Muslims, and permit the state of Islam and violates the
symptoms if they killed them, evil is smaller than the corrupting
implications of the enemy, we must overcome if the consensus of the Muslims
for killing these vulnerable people who do not fight so how about standing and
fighting and carrying a weapon this is first...It is the second in a row who
have been fighting the rebels they want heighten the flag of disbelief and
lower the flag of Islam, and scientists say that it that those who enjoy
lowering the flag of Islam are hypocrites but if it was announced they will
be shown as an apostate. "
V) The southern army
resisted and fought against North Yemeni army and its tribal and Jihadist
allies along the borders between the two sides, in a ferocious war lasted for
over seventy days. Because of the dismemberment of the southern army between
the north and the south, and lack of military readiness, the
Sana'a-tribal-Jihadist coalition defeated the southern army and invaded the
south land.
VI) Sana’a regime rejected
to all the Arab, regional and international mediations to cease the war,and
refused to obey the Security Council resolutions number (931،924) for 1994. to facilitate
access to those decisions and supply links to access the following:
Link Resolution No. (924)
for the year 1994

Link resolution No. (931)
for the year 1994

[/URL]for the year 1994,
which require ceasing the war and returning to dialogues between the two
sides to find the proper solutions for their problems, which was contained in
the Arab states and Arab league positions, which have all emphasized the
inadmissibility of the imposition of unity by force. After all this, and
under the pressure of people protesting in Aden and other Southern cities
demanding their leadership to announce the disengagement with the north, the
southern leaders had nothing to do, but announcing it in 21/5/1994 after
sixteen days of total war against the south. Whereas, northern forces
continued moving towards Aden and other cities in the south, until they
tightened siege on Aden and isolated it from other southern cities. The power
stations was destroyed during the severe summer, and cities were bombed with
artillery, missiles and aircraft. Furthermore, water supplies were cut off
after controlling the headwaters in the neighboring province of Lahj. The
invaders rejected all the efforts of the international and humanitarian
organizations and also the resolutions of the Security Council to restart the
water supplies located on outskirts of Aden, which were stopped by the
invasive savage tribes. That made the people of Aden and surrounding areas
digging wells by hand, and stands in queues in the sweltering summer while
bombs and missiles are falling on their heads and Claim the lives of
thousands of them.
VII) The humanitarian and
living situation in Aden for its inhabitants became miserable under a
barbaric and immoral siege. It was a humanitarian disaster because the
houses, Mosques, and public buildings were full of displaced people who fled
from areas ravaged by the invaders, and areas of combat zones on the
outskirts of Aden. Thousands of people were killed by the fire of heavy
artillery and missiles, and hospitals were unable to receive increasing
number of wounded people and dead bodies. . In the face of this tragic
situation, the southern leadership had no choice but to cease the fight and
leave to neighboring countries to spare the blood of civilians which was shed
by the invading savage tribes.
VIII) Aden was shocked on
7/7/1994 by the barbarian invasion of the northern forces and tribes, after
the withdrawal of the southern army and its commanders. It was exposed to a
moral and humanitarian disaster which it has never witnessed in its history,
and only happened in the defining moments of human history, which has been
handled by the memory of generations as the most hideous form in which human
beings stripped of their humanity and values. The day of invading Aden
brought to human mind the Mongol Tatar invasion of Baghdad, the capital of
the Islamic caliphate in the seventh century and the destruction, looting and
the burning of libraries, mosques and stores. The Sana'a invading hordes brought
that dark image back on 7/7/1994, when they destroyed and looted all the
physical and cultural elements of modern city, in a Hooligan scene that can
never be forgotten by its people. Everything was stolen and robbed starting
from schools, hospitals, libraries, museums, public facilities, and even
embassies and consulates. What happened in Aden cannot be described. This
city used to be in its long history, a center for intellectual enlightenment
and civilization in all the region, when it embraced all comers from various
parts of the globe and gave them security, love and knowledge without
discrimination, and amongst them the northern revolutionaries and liberals,
who fled from their tormentors the Imams of Sana'a,Yahya Bin Hameed Addin and
his sons but the reward was inappropriate, and this is a reward that Aden
deserves from the descendants of Alnuman and Zubairy . What happened to Aden,
also happened in other southern cities, but the impact was more painful for
Aden, because it gave everything to the Northerners during and after their
revolution in the sixteenth of the century.
Second Stage: The Collapse
of the Legitimacy of the Unity and the Eradication of Its Noble Values (June,
1994 – January, 2006)
If the invading war of the
south eradicated the legitimacy of the unity politically and legally, the
attitude of Sana'a regime in the south after the war towards the southern
people and their land, history, culture, and identity, has destroyed all the
noble values and concepts of the unity as a national dream for them to a
nightmare in their lives. In the name of the unity, the rights were
confiscated, wealth was plundered, freedoms were violated, and dignities were
trampled on the thresholds of the Northern regime and its prisons, until the
pain and moan of the southerners became a betrayal to the unity which only
exists in the pockets and accounts of the northern leaders and their
followers. Therefore, this stage has taken two tracks, one is an organized destruction
and looting of the south, the other is a rejection to the tyranny against the
First Track: The Destruction
of the South:
Sana'a regime ,after the
exclusion of its partner and the annexation of the south by force of arms,
uncovered the truth about the concept of unity in its point of view which is
extended to its Shea Imams ancestors, who considered the south a village or a
branch to their Yemen mother land (particularly Sana'a). So, Sana'a regime
took the following steps, after controlling the south by its army, tribes,
and Mujahedeen on 7/7/1994:
I)The first step was to
eliminate all the signed agreement with the south, including the constitution
of the unity and the of Pledge and Accord in Amman, Jordan. The constitution
was changed, and the ruling system was changed from collective governance
(Presidency Council) to individual ruling system by the president who
combined all the authorities, and is not subjected to any accountability or
observation. In other words, the old system of the Arab Republic of Yemen
(North) was replaced with unity system and constitution.
II) Demobilization of the
southern army, which was seen as a threat to their regime, by displacing the
top commanders of the army, redistributing and dispersing the army battalions
in the northern army brigades. So as to succeed in this, they had to get rid
of most of the southern officers by demobilizing them or force them stay
home, without assigning any positions or military functions to them, and even
without giving them any promotions or financial incentives. This was a
preface to refer them to retirement, when it was still capable to serve and
qualified more than the existed northern commanders, who are relatives to the
president of Sana'a and from his tribe. By doing this he achieved what he
intends from not merging the two armies during the transition period in order
to preserve as a tribal institution to ensure his survival in power and
eliminate his opponents.
III) Eliminate and plunder
all the southern institutions, and share as spoils of war, between the
warlords from the ruling family, tribal leaders, and Mujahedeen. Then,
demobilizing the employees of the institutions and force them stay homes even
without getting paid. That’s not all, but they also sold some of them and
distributed other productive and industrial institutions to their tribal,
military, and most influential leaders, in the name of privatization, which
was only confined to the south.
IV) The south placed under a
tight military and security grip, by involving a large number of their army
units in the south, and divides it into military zones. Within each area,
military sectors were established, and the commander of this sector had the
supreme authority on the whole region. He also got involved in the civil affairs
and interrupted the people issues, instead of the judiciary. Also, through
tribal arbitration that require what is called by northern tribes (Aladl),
which is (cars, weapons, or money) given by the parties of the problem, to
the military commander before even judging, other than the money paid to him
and his soldiers. Thus, Southerners returned to the stage of the pre-state
and even worse.
V)Because Sana'a regime
realizes more than anyone else its illegitimate existence in the south so,
its leaders tried by all illegal means to give themselves some legitimacy by
seducing the people and pay them bribes, and sometimes using some southern
individuals due to their neediness in order to represent the southerners
Second Track: Southern
Rejection to the Tyranny of Sana'a Regime
In despite of difficult
Economic condition imposed by the outcome of the war of summer 1994 on the
South ,and strict Military and Security imposed on the South; however, the
Southerner rejection to tyranny imposed by Sana’a regime continued from
moment that Sana’a controlled South in different forms and from different
,group, associations and individuals ,we can summarized as:
1)Rejection begun by (MOJ)
movement ,founded in abroad after war of summer 1994,and it play historical
role to face psychological defeat for people of the South after the war, and
let the South Issue be present for seven year in overseas.
2) Group to reform
unification way : attained immediately after the war ,and state the idea
of(remove the effects of War and reform unification convention) and specified
the way to remove the affect of War by four points:
A) Revoke religious fatwa
against South Yemeni's which classified them as infidel and declared a war
against South and turned South as booty.
B) Return public and private
properties that looted by Sana’a regime leaders under influence of wrong
fatwa and consider it as negative outcome of war.
C) Reform all Southern
securities and military bases and equipments and civilian institutions as it
was before the War.
D) Revoke provisions against
list of South Yemen leaders which included (16) members and consider it as
fault statement, and return back displaced persons to Home and return their
(HATM) movement: called for
self-drmination and use armed struggle since its start on 1997.
4) National Alliance : this
movement was extension of MOJ movement and it's first attempt to find
political tools to introduce South Issue locally and tried to get permission
from authority were refused to allow it.
5) People’s Committees:
these committees were the initiatives of local people activities, it was
great idea, but opposition parties were anti-committee which encouraged
Sana’a regime to suppress it.
6) South Yemenis Forum :this
forum were form by South Yemeni's who live in Sana’a they start to claim for
rights only, but still it angered Sana’a regime but it able to stop the
campaign carried out against rest of south Yemeni's who work in Government
and maintained some of their rights ,where it forms the seed of peaceful
7) Independent Assembly:
this was extension of "group to reform unification way" and its
member separated from Socialist party the previous dominated party in South
8) TAJ party: founded on
2004 in London(UK) call for self-drmination for South and it quickly spread
inside South provinces ,it participate to define South issue internationally
and became main member of southern movement allies.
9) Associations of Retired
civilian and military employees: these associations played main role to
emergence of South Peaceful Movement ,specially military members who form a
backbone of South Movement and it's first one to break the barrier of fear
when protested on (Al-aroad square) in Khormaksar on 7/7/2007, and opened a
wide field to peaceful demonstration with help of other such as Youth,
Unemployed and civil society associations.
Third Stage: South Peaceful
Revolution (movement).
In accordance with normal
functioning of historical event that imposed by causality(Cause and
Effect),the Situation imposed by tyranny regime of Sana’a to South since
7/7/1994,by using oppression tools, tribal heritage cultural that practice
booty and cheating, and use "Divide and Rule"...etc, inevitably
lead to revolution of South to current situation imposed by Sana’a regime
where South people's feel that they are out of contemporary life and backward
to earlier centuries with no hopes and aspirations, due to suffering and pain
feeling the revolution movement clearly explicit the issue publicly , and for
the dangerous way that Sana’a regime use to secure and consolidate its
tyranny by drive and inject a division and discord among southern people by
remind a past-conflict and crisis of South the first steps of South
Revolution is not to give chance to Sana’a regime to exploit South
past-conflict's by enact the principle of "Reconciliation and
Tolerance" among South Yemeni's; hence, the first Forum for
"Reconciliation and Tolerance" was held in Aden on Jan 13,2006 in
Radfan Charitable Association Headquarter, after that followed by established
"Reconciliation and Tolerance "forums in all Southern provinces and
cities ,Sana’a regime brutally confronted organizers and detained activists
and close Radfan Associations Headquarters in Aden; however, the South
reconciliation and tolerance continued to pace by interaction of all South
People's ,then during time the Associations of Southern retired Military and
Civilian were establish, and Youth, Students Association and much of
political and Cultural organization were formed , protesters goes to Streets
to announce refusal and revolt against tyranny of Sana’a regime, South
People's shout loudly in the face of Sana’a regime saying "leave the
land of South and No unification by force", Sana’a regime tried to oppress
revolution by using various types of forces and intelligent ware ,but it
fails and Southern Movement widely scattered and expanded everywhere in South
provinces and cities ,and the barrier of fear displaced which Sana’a regime
imposed on South over the past twelve years to inaugurate officially peaceful
revolution of South Yemenis with objective of Self-drmination.

And this is a brief summary
of developments of events of revolutions:
1) South people revolted
after 7/7/2007 stretched from Almahara province Eastern To Bab-El-Mandeb
strait Western, flying the South Yemen National flag and demand for
self-drmination and independence from north Yemen.
2)Even though oppression
ways, killing, and detained imposed by Sana’a regime to suppress South
revolt, but this revolution has grown in strength and continuous ,Sana’a
regime couldn't stop it, but success to divert world attention and block
international media, the most important way Sana’a regime use to divert world
attention is by using Al-Qaeda cells which has strong relation with Sana’a
regime since the war against South in period May 1990-1994 ... , on despite
fail to link Al-Qaeda with South Movement, however, relatively successes in
raising serious concern and wary to neighboring countries and developed
countries about Al-Qaeda threat which make these countries a afraid to get
closer to Southern Movement or understand their demand, with wrong judgment
of Realities of situation in Yemen by emphasize unity of Yemen the only
guarantor to stability and peace to secure interests of those countries from
Al-Qaeda threats, while the fact is confirm and insist no peace and stability
in Yemen without resolution to South issue.
3) Sana’a regime took
advantage to the fear and wary of neighboring countries and the world from
Al-Qaeda to strongly oppress South Movement, kill South people everywhere,
and detain South leaders and activists without trial accept know-leaders who
faced intelligent court judgment with 4 to 10 years imprisonment sentenced
,and targeting cities by heavy weapons(tank, canons )...etc destroying
private houses and properties.
4)Because of critical
circumstance and situation it was essential to have organized framework for
South Movement, and began this efforts on 2008 by establishing supreme
National Council of Liberation and Restoration of South state" headed by
respected leader Mr/ Hassan Ahmed Baom which make South issue as supper
Priority to its political strategic and platform, also it has been
established during the period from Nov 2008 to March 2009 three South
political entities (movements) all adopt independence and Restoration of
South as main goal. Here the name of movements:-
A)National Southern
B)Supreme National Authority
for Independence of South.
C)South National
many political ,Social
,tribal and academics persons were joined to movement, also South Yemeni's
communities who live abroad formed Associations in places where they live to
support goal of independence of South.
5) After founded all of
indicated authorities and Associations the dialogues begins to find way to
unified entities, those efforts culminated in merger of all entities in May
9,2009 under one institutional framework named "South Revolutionary
Command Council' headed by Mr. Hassan Ahmed Baom, then the name changed to
“Supreme Council of South Peaceful Movement”, the most important
objective(goal) to this Council is independent and the restoration of South
state, and appointed Mr. Ali Salem Al-Beidh as legitimate president of South,
Mr. Ali Salem engaged since his attained in Germany after long exile in Oman
since 1994 to adopt the goal of revolution and leadership of South by
declaring statement on 21/May/2009.
6)Oppression and butchery of
Sana’a regime to South Peoples, assignations, kidnapping and detain Southern
rebels , more than five hundred casualties and thousands wounded and
imprisoned with ashamed ignorance of Arab countries and all Human rights and
Humanitarian organizations, despite all appeal and call for help by South
7) Sana’a regime tried to
imposed tight securities grip in main southern provinces such (Aden
,Hadrumot) by strengthen forces existence by sending thousands of troops and
Soldiers of different division such(Central Security, National Security
Guard, and Intelligent cells),and was able to limit Southern movement
activities for a few months in mentioned cites ,however, by social networking
across internet the Aden Youth's success to revolt in Feb 11,2011 and success
to break the security barriers by gathering on streets and Public Squares and
set-up Camps, the reaction of Sana’a regime were aggressive and bloody
specially when demonstrations attained and struggle to North Yemen cites,
Sana'a regime pleaded(give excuse) to its aggressive manner to South
protesters by saying "South Youths raise the independent goal “which
threats the unity, which lead Youth in Aden and Mukalla to demand for
"overthrow the Sana’a regime" as strategy to avoid massacre and to
not give a regime chance to kill South People's, Sana’a regime angered for this
step, because it want to convince to North People if the regime overthrown
the South will separated and will lose South Wealth. is the Human conscience
will remain silent on these crimes against Humanity ,after more than twenty
five casualties and two hundred wounded on a few days from Feb 10 to Feb 26
Third: Invitation for
We call in this message with
careful consideration of previous events and facts with impartially thinks
and free of irrational passion or any prior convictions , and in case found
this information is not sufficient to analyze(figure) out South issue
clearly, we urge you to search and viewing everything related to South issue
,we put multiple sources links about South issue here.
We included this report
indicating important points to hands of researchers which will help to
understand South issue:
1) South people and their
leaderships dedicated on the goal of unity with North viewing as dream of
Arab nation strategy while North people classify unity as child return to parent
land ,and unit of geography not unity of Souls and interest between two
2)The uniqueness of land and
people between South and North just a fake emotional slogan ,disapproved by
facts and history of South Arabian Peninsula, it is sufficient prove that
South was region of units Sultanates and Emirates and didn't mention name of
Yemen to South through ages.
3) All religious laws and
prevailing international conventions today decided not to allow the
imposition of unity by force and give to all people right for
4) South Issue's totally
differ from other conflicts and issues existing in the World such (South
Sudan, Somalia, North Iraq and Sahara in Morocco), because it is issue
between two countries recognized by united Nation and World.
5) What exists between the
North and South is not unity in accordance with all legal political and
Ethical concepts, but it is considered to be worse than foreign occupation,
and continuation of this situation constitute a threat to regional security
and stability, and even threat to unity of Arab nations and integration of
Islamic nations.
6) Past twenty years of
unity didn't prove the fails of unity, but also fails socially and culturally
,and both nations didn't accept each other culturally ,and become essential
to save goodwill between nations by returns as previous situations(two
states),and thinking thoroughly with new formulas for establishing brotherly
relationship between two nations.
7) The South Yemenis based
on their culture ,Arab and Islamic identities still believe in Arab unity
based on the foundation of realistic and utilitarian values as ambitious goal
and ideological value, but geography and annexation unit prove its failure
and creates further division and fragmentation of the Arab .
8) South issue put on your
hands of every seeker of truth and keen for justice and equity, and who keen
on security and stability in this important region of the World.
Correspondence and southern
informative ation team (Wasel